About Us
Cybathlon 2024
Thank you to all who helped make this possible

At neuroTUM, we envision a world where neurotechnology dismantles barriers posed by physical disabilities. Rooted in a spirit of collaborative innovation, our initiative extends beyond the university into a mission of fostering a more inclusive future. Our diverse student groups dive into various realms of neurotechnology, each contributing to the grander vision of enhancing individual autonomy and communication for those with mobility impairments.

Central to our mission is the development of a robust Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), a venture that emphasizes our commitment to translating theoretical knowledge into real-world solutions. Beyond the BCI, we venture into the exciting domain of Neuromorphic Computing, where we explore the intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence. By drawing inspiration from the human brain's structure and functionality, our teams aspire to engineer adaptive and efficient computing models, setting the stage for groundbreaking solutions in neurotechnology.

Community engagement and operational excellence form the pillars for our foundation at neuroTUM. Our outreach initiatives, led by the Communications Team, resonate with a broader audience, spreading the word about our mission and achievements. Simultaneously, our Operations Team lays a solid foundation, ensuring seamless progress and creating a fruitful environment for innovation. As we stride towards significant milestones, each step we take is imbued with the collective aspiration of creating a more accessible world through neurotechnology.

Organization of the Club

Our Subteams

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
Our student groups main hands-on project is developing a brain-computer interface. By collecting EEG signals, processing them and classifying them, we could offer quadriplegic people the possibility of controlling virtual environments (e.g. Mouse cursor on a screen) with only their thoughts. We envision this to then be translated into the real world into a project such as a mind-controlled wheelchair or robotic arm. This team consists of different sub teams that work together to put the different pieces of the BCI together. The first milestone of this team is the participation in the ETH Cybathlon 2024 - BCI discipline.
BCI - Experimental Design
As part of the BCI project, in this group we plan and execute our experiments. For our current BCI (brain-computer interface) project this includes designing the instructions we give to our subjects in order to evoke distinguishable neurological responses. This enables the signal processing and deep learning team to reliably classify the pilot’s intention.  It is also in our responsibility to mimic the test scenario of the BCI-Cybathlon competition by understanding their regulations and developing a test environment.
BCI - Signal Processing
The neural activity of our pilot is measured using an EEG (electroencephalogram) and fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy). The data collected from our EEG and fNIRS is filled with noise, artifacts of involuntary movement and activity of brain areas which are only weakly involved in the desired task. As part of the BCI project, the signal processing team is creating a pipeline to transform the raw EEG and fNIR data into high information dense and relevant subsets that can subsequently be analyzed by the deep learning team.
BCI - Machine Learning
As part of the BCI project, the task of our team is to classify the pre-processed measurement data into distinct control signals to use as feedback in real time. To achieve this, we  create our own pipeline implementation and classify our data with models such as LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), more recent approaches like transformers and other state-of-the-art machine learning methods that we will implement with custom solutions for BCI.
Brain Inspired Computing
At neuroTUM, our exploration into Neuromorphic Computing and brain-inspired computing unfolds through two dedicated sub-teams: Software and Hardware. Drawing inspiration from the human brain's intricate structure and unparalleled functionality, Neuromorphic Computing aims to engineer computing systems that emulate the brain's neural networks. Similarly, brain-inspired computing delves into creating computational models and systems that mirror the brain's processes, offering a more intuitive approach to problem-solving. Both fields represent a harmonious confluence of neuroscience and artificial intelligence, with the aspiration to develop more adaptive, efficient, and human-like computing models.
Electronics - EEG
The first goal of this team is the design and build of a custom Electroencephalogram. This device is a key component of a brain-computer interface, which allows the collection of neuronal data. Within this project, members will get to dive into the world of PCB design, handling electrical signals and microcontroller programming.
The Communications Team stands at the forefront of our club's scientific engagement and outreach. They take the lead in organizing impactful seminars, hackathons, and other events, while also diving deep into scientific topics and steering the production and dissemination of  publications. Their proficiency extends to maintaining our online presence through our website, social media, and blogs. Additionally, they play a crucial role in fostering and sustaining relationships with our cherished partners and sponsors.
The operations team takes care of the internal processes and enables the other teams to do the best job possible. The responsibilities of this team are managing the finances of the club, setting up and maintaining a project management/IT infrastructure, defining internal processes, and handling our legal topics (Data Policy, Code of Conduct, etc). Within this group you will lead the strategical development of neuroTUM, turning it from a small group to an optimal mechanism of change.
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