Our team works on designing and implementing a brain-computer interface to participate at the ETH Cybathlon 2024. This includes designing experiments to collect EEG data and provide feedback to the pilot, process the neuronal signals and classify the signals with state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms.
~ Pilot - Member who is going to use the BCI to compete in the ETH Cybathlon competition ~
~ All mentioned degrees and titles are currently being pursued by the specific members ~
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
M.Sc. Informatik
Medical Student
M.Sc Neuroengineering
M.Sc. Informatics
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
B.Sc. Informatics
Medical Student
PhD student in Resilient Cognitive Systems
M.Sc. Informatik
M.Sc. Robotics and Cognitive Intelligence
M.Sc. Neuroengineering
B.Sc. Informatics
M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering PhD Track
Institute for Cognitive Systems
Associate Professorship of Neuroelectronics
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
B.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology
M.Sc. Neuroengineering M.Sc. Neuroscience
PhD student in Vehicle Tracking and Prediction