Communications & Operations

What we do

Join us in leading the scientific engagement, events, and online presence of the club. As a foundation to the other groups stands the operations team, which manages internal processes, finances, IT, and legal matters, driving strategic development for neuroTUM's optimal growth. Together, these two teams have a crucial role in establishing and maintaining relationships with supporters and collaborators

~ All mentioned degrees and titles are currently being pursued by the specific members ~

Team Lead

Glykeria Rovatsou

B.Sc. Biology

Team Lead

Nele Wunner

B.Sc. Physics

Asya Evcil

Muhammed Samir Öztürk

Jenny Tabeling

Nick Breit

Hangxiang Chen

M.Sc. Management and Technology

Lili Emery

M.A. Responsibility in Science, Engineering & Technology

Nicolas v. Mallinckrodt

B.Sc. Informatik

Leona Wang

M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Defne Aytuna

B.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology